Regional Maximum Finder

You are given a 2D array. Your task is to find the regional maxima in the array and return a 2D array of size (X * 2) where each row contains the position [i, j] of a regional maximum.

Definition of Regional Maximum:

A cell (i, j) is considered a regional maximum if:

  • array[i][j] != 0
  • array[i][j] is the maximum value within its region.
  • Definition of Region:

    For a cell (i, j) with value cell:

  • The region is defined as the rectangular area (i - cell to i + cell) * (j - cell to j + cell).
  • Exclude the corner cells from above: (i - cell, j - cell), (i - cell, j + cell), (i + cell, j - cell) and (i + cell, j + cell).
  • If the calculated region goes out of bounds, ignore those out-of-bound cells.
  • Function Description

    Complete the function findRegionalMaxima in the editor.

    findRegionalMaxima has the following parameter:

    1. int[][] array: a 2D array of integers


    int[][]: a 2D array where each row contains the position [i, j] of a regional maximum

    Example 1:

    Input:  array = [[3, 0, 1], [2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
    Output: [[0, 0], [0, 2]]

    The given 2D array is:

            [3, 0, 1],
            [2, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0],

    The cell at position [0, 0] with value 3 is a regional maximum because:

    • It is not 0.
    • Its region is from [0, 0] to [3, 3] (excluding corners and out-of-bounds), and it is the maximum in this region.

    The cell at position [0, 2] with value 1 is a regional maximum because:

    • It is not 0.
    • Its region is from [0, 1] to [1, 3] (excluding corners and out-of-bounds), and it is the maximum in this region.

    Therefore, the output is [[0, 0], [0, 2]].

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