URL Hashing 🐩

Implement an algorithm to hash a URL as described.

Suppose the given URL url of length n is to be hashed with a string hash_string of length m. Given an integer k, run the url through the following algorithm:

  • Divide the URL into blocks of size k starting from the left. The last block can be smaller than k. For example, if url = "" and k = 4, the blocks are ["http", "s://", "xyz.", "com"].
  • The values of the English characters 'a', 'b', ..., 'z' are 0, 1, ..., 25 respectively, and that of ':', '/' and '.' are 26, 27, and 28 respectively. Thus the has value of the block "s://" will be 19 + 26 + 27 + 27 = 98.
  • For each URL, find the hash value of each block. The hash value is the sum of the values of each character.
  • Replace the block with the (hash value of the block modulo m)th character of the string hash_string.
  • Given the string url, hash_string, and an integer k, find the hashed string.

    Example 1:

    Input:  url = "", hashString = "pqrst", k = 4
    Output: "psps"
    Each hash value is divided by the len of hash_strong or 5 in this case. The remainders oint to the characters in hash_string, and the answer is "psps".
      Unknwo for now 🐼
    Thumbnail 0

    Case 1

