In a futuristic TikTok research facility, engineers have discovered a mysterious algorithmic manuscript within the app that promises to revolutionize content creation and engagement for creators worldwide. This manuscript contains a sequence of numbers, represented as an array named efficiencyScores
, which includes the efficiency scores of various TikTok tasks. These tasks can be highly efficient, neutral, or even counterproductive. The number of tasks is denoted by n
. The manuscript has become the focal point of intense research, as it is believed to hold the key to unlocking unprecedented levels of audience engagement.
Your mission is to assist the engineers in their quest. According to the manuscript, by selecting exactly five tasks in a specific combination that maximizes the overall efficiency, the secret formula for viral content will be revealed.
Your goal is to identify this combination of five tasks that results in the highest possible product, thereby unlocking the potential hidden within the manuscript and advancing content creation science.
maximum_product = max(efficiencyScores[i1] * efficiencyScores[i2] * efficiencyScores[i3] * efficiencyScores[i4] * efficiencyScores[i5])
Function Description
Complete the function maximizeEfficiencyProduct
in the editor below.
has the following parameter(s):
int efficiencyScores[n]
: the efficiency scores of various tasks.
: the highest possible product of any five selected efficiency scores.
Example 1:
Input: efficiencyScores = [6, 1, 2, 8, 1]
Output: 96
Explanation:There are only 5 numbers in the array, we select all of them, and the product is 96.
- 5 ≤ n ≤ 10^5.
- -10^3 ≤ efficiencyScores[i] ≤ 10^3
