A network security administrator must protect networks at a number of locations from cyber-attacks. Initially, the i
th network has num_servers[i]
servers, and money[i]
funds allocated for security upgrades. To upgrade a server in the i
th network, it costs upgrade[i]
. Selling a server adds sell[i]
to available funds.
Given the arrays num_servers
, money
, upgrade
, and sell
, each with n
integers, determine the maximum number of servers that can be upgraded to ensure optimal network security. The result should be an array of n
integers, where the i
th integer represents the maximum number of upgraded servers for the i
th network system.
Function Description
Complete the function getMaxUpgradedServers
in the editor.
has the following parameter(s):
int num_servers[n]
: the number of servers in each networkint money[n]
: the initial amount of money at each network locationint sell[n]
: the network-specific value of selling a serverint upgrade[n]
: the network-specific cost to upgrade a server
: The maximum number of upgraded servers for each network
Example 1:

Input: num_servers = [4, 3], money = [8, 9], sell = [4, 2], upgrade = [4, 5]
Output: [3, 2]
Explanation:Explanation is shown in above image ๐. Hence, answer is [3, 2]~
1 ≤ n ≤ 105
1 ≤ num_servers[i], money[i], sell[i], upgrade[i] ≤ 104
