A quick note: I changed the input 'operations' to a 2D String array to accommodate the 'Re' and 'Ro' entries. Other than this modification, the question should match the original prompt about 98% 🦉
You are given an initial key tree. A level is the number of parent keys corresponding to a given key of the key tree. Initial values of keys are 0.
Key 1 with value X1 would be at level 0.
Key 2, Key 3 at level 1, and so on.
There is a sequence of Rotation and Rekey operations that can happen:
For Example:
Ro 1 9 would give us:
Ro 1 4 would give us:
Given an initial tree with n nodes and q operations sequence of Ro and Re operations, find the sum of values for all the keys.
Example 1:
Input: operations = [["1", "2"], ["2", "4"], ["1", "3"], ["4", "5"], ["Re", "1", "10"], ["Ro", "4", "6"], ["Re", "2", "4"], ["Re", "3", "4"]], n = 5, q = 4
Output: 70
Example 2:
Input: operations = [["2", "1"], ["3", "1"], ["4", "2"], ["5", "1"], ["Ro", "4", "6"], ["Re", "2", "91277"], ["Re", "1", "50944"], ["Ro", "1", "7"], ["Re", "1", "17666"]], n = 5, q = 5
Output: 3607116
- 1 ≤ n, q ≤ 10^5
- 1 ≤ z ≤ 10^5, where z is the number added in the Rekey query.
- All other inputs satisfy the constraints and problem requirements.
- In the Rotation query, the new key v always equals the current number of nodes in the tree + 1.
