Get Minimum Operations

Given two arrays change and arr that consist of n and m integers respectively.

In the ith operation, one of the two operations can be performed:

  • you can choose to decrement any element of arr by 1 or do nothing.
  • if change[i] > 0 and arr[change[i]] = 0, it can be changed to NULL.
  • Assume indexing starts from 1, find the minimum number of operations required to change all the elements of the array to NULL or report -1 if it is not possible.

    Function Description

    Complete the function getMinOperations in the editor below.

    getMinOperations has the following parameter(s):

    1. int change[n]: an array of integers
    2. int arr[m]: an array of integers


    int: the minimum number of operations required to change all the elements to NULL, or -1 if it is not possible

    Example 1:

    Input:  change = [0, 1, 0, 2], arr = [1, 1]
    Output: 4
    Consider n = 4 and m = 2 change[] = [0, 1, 0, 2], arr[] = [1, 1]
  • In the first operation, arr[1] can be decremented. The array becomes [0, 1].
  • In the second operation, since change[2] = 1 and arr[1] = 0, the first element can be changed to NULL. The array becomes [NULL, 1].
  • In the third operation, arr[2] can be decremented. The array becomes [NULL, 0].
  • In the fourth operation, since change[4] = 2 and arr[2] = 0, the second element can be changed to NULL. The array becomes [NULL, NULL].
  • This is one optimal path. Return the number of operations, 4.
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