Number of Moves

Given a chess board of n rows (top to bottom) and n columns (left to right). In each move, a knight moves either:

  • 2 column positions and 1 row position
  • 2 row positions and 1 column position

In other words, a move is 2 steps along one axis and 1 step along a perpendicular axis.

Given a starting position A and ending position B, calculate the minimum number of moves needed by the knight to move from A to B if it is possible. If it is not possible, return -1. All moves must remain within the chess board.

Function Description
Complete the function minMoves in the editor below.

minMoves has the following parameters:

  • int n: the width and height of the square board
  • int startRow: the row of the starting location
  • int startCol: the column of the starting location
  • int endRow: the row of the target location
  • int endCol: the column of the target location

int: a single integer that denotes the number of moves required or -1 if it is not possible to reach the target location.

Example 1:

Input:  n = 10, startRow = 0, startCol = 0, endRow = 0, endCol = 2
Output: 2
The chessboard is of size 10 x 10.
  • Start at the position (0, 0).
  • Move 2 steps down and 1 step right to reach the position (2, 1).
  • Move 1 step right and 2 steps up to reach the position (0, 2).
  • The minimum number of moves to move from the position (0, 0) to the position (0, 2) is 2.
  • Example 2:

    Input:  n = 9, startRow = 4, startCol = 4, endRow = 4, endCol = 8
    Output: 2
    The chesse board has a size of 9 x 9.
  • Start at the position (startRow, startCol) = (4, 4).
  • Move 1 step up or down, then 2 steps right to reach either the position (3, 6) or (5, 6).
  • Move 2 steps right and 1 step down or up as necessary to reach the position (4, 8).
  • The minimum number of moves to move from the position(4, 4) to the position (4, 8) is 2.
  • Constraints:
      • 4 ≤ n ≤ 150
      • 0 ≤ startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol < n

    Case 1

