Given a 2D matrix with 2 rows and columns, containing only the characters
, 'W'
, '?'
, give the minimum replacements of
required to make the matrix balanced.
The matrix would be balanced when it has equal number of 'W'
and 'R'
in all the rows and columns.
E.g. - R1 - "WR???"
; R2 - "R???W"
- Balanced - R1 - "WR?W"
R2 - "RW?W"
; 4 replacements
Example 1:
Input: matrix = [['W', 'R', '?', '?', '?'], ['R', '?','?', '?', 'W']]
Output: 4
Explanation:The given matrix can be balanced by making the following replacements:
Replace the first
in R1 with'W'
and the second'?'
.Replace the first
in R2 with'W'
and the second'?'
.This results in 4 replacements, making the matrix balanced with equal numbers of
in all rows and columns.
Standard Huge Constraints
