There is a hackathon organized by HackerRank which has 2 separate tracks, healthcare and e-commerce. For track 1, the required team size is teamSize_1
, while for track 2, the required team size is teamSize_2
. The total number of participants is p
Find the minimum number of teams into which the participants can be divided such that each participant belongs to exactly one team (either of track 1 or track 2), and each team has a size equal to either teamSize_1
or teamSize_2
. If no such division is possible, return -1.
Function Description
Complete the function countTeams
in the editor.
The function countTeams
has the following parameters:
int teamSize_1
: the number of participants in teams of track 1int teamSize_2
: the number of participants in teams of track 2int p
: the total number of participants
: the minimum number of teams into which the participants can be divided
Example 1:
Input: teamSize_1 = 3, teamSize_2 = 4, p = 7
Output: 2
Explanation:Optimally there is 1 team of 3 and 1 team of 4. The minimum number of teams is 2.
- 1 ≤
≤ 10^5 - 1 ≤
≤ 10^5
