There is an infinite array of integers numbered consecutively from 0. At each step, a pointer can move from index i to index i + j, or remain where it is. The value of i begins at 0. The value of j begins at 1 and at each step, j increments by 1. There is one known index that must be avoided. Determine the highest index that can be reached in a given number of steps.
Function Description
Complete the function maxIndex
in the editor.
has the following parameter(s):
- 1.
int steps
: the number steps to take - 2.
int badIndex
: the bad index
: the maximum index that can be reached from index 0
π Vely much appreciated to our GG of Error-Free Excellence πspikeπ!!
Example 1:
Input: steps = 4, badIndex = 6
Output: 9
Explanation:The pointer is limited to 4 steps and should avoid the bad item 6.
- Scenario 1:
- In the first step, j starts at 1. Move 1 unit to index 0 + 1 = 1 and j = 2.
- At step 2, move 2 units to index 1 + 2 = 3, and j = 3.
- At step 3, do not move. Otherwise, the pointer will move 3 units to the bad item 6. Now j = 4.
- At step 4, move 4 units to item 3 + 4 = 7.
- Scenario 2:
- The maximum index that can be reached is 9.
- At step 1, remain at index 0. Now j = 2.
- At step 2, move 2 units to index 0+2 = 2 and j = 3.
- At step 3, move 3 units to index 2+3 = 5 and j = 4.
- At step 4, move 4 units to index 5 + 4 = 9.
- 1 β€ steps β€ 2 x 103
- There are actually more constraints; I will add them once find the reference :)
