A 2-D grid consisting of some blocked (represented as '#'
) and some unblocked
(represented as '.'
) cells is given. The starting position of a pointer is in the
top-left corner of the grid. It is guaranteed that the starting position is in an unblocked cell,
and it is also guaranteed that the bottom-right cell is unblocked. Each cell of the grid is
connected with its right, left, top, and bottom cells (if those cells exist). It takes 1 second
for a pointer to move from a cell to its adjacent cell. If the pointer can reach the bottom-right
corner of the grid within maxTime
seconds, return the string 'Yes'
Otherwise, return the string 'No'
Function Description
Complete the function reachTheEnd
in the editor.
has the following parameter(s):
String[] grid
: an array of strings representing the rows of the gridint maxTime
: the maximum time to complete the journey
Example 1:
Input: grid = ["..#", "#.##", "#..."], maxTime = 5
Output: "Yes"
Explanation:..## #.## #... It will take the pointer 5 seconds to reach the bottom-right corner. As long asmaxTime >= 5
, return'Yes'
Example 2:
Input: grid = ["..", ".."], maxTime = 3
Output: "Yes"
Explanation:The grid has 2 rows and 2 columns and the time within which the pointer needs to reach the bottom-right cell is 3 seconds. Starting from the top-left cell, the pointer can either move to the top-right unblocked cell or bottom-left unblocked cell then to the bottom-right cell. It takes 2 seconds to reach the bottom-right cell on either path. Thus, the pointer reachs the bottom-right cell within the 3 seconds allowed, so the answer is "Yes" :)
Example 3:
Input: grid = [".#", "#."], maxTime = 2
Output: "No"
Explanation:The grid has 2 rows and 2 columns and the time within which the pointer needs to reach the bottom-right cell is 2 seconds. It can neither move to the top-right cell is 2 seconds. It can neither move to the top-right cell nor to the bottom-left cell and so the pointer cannot reach the bottom-right cell, regardless of the time constraint.
1 <= rows <= 500
1 <= maxTime <= 10^5