Min Days to Bloom

Given an array of roses. roses[i] means rose i will bloom on day roses[i]. Also given an int k, which is the minimum number of adjacent bloom roses required for a bouquet, and an int n, which is the number of bouquets we need. Return the earliest day that we can get n bouquets of roses.

Example 1:

Input:  roses = [1, 2, 4, 9, 3, 4, 1], k = 2, n = 2
Output: 4
day 1: [b, n, n, n, n, n, b] The first and the last rose bloom. day 2: [b, b, n, n, n, n, b] The second rose blooms. Here the first two bloom roses make a bouquet. day 3: [b, b, n, n, b, n, b] day 4: [b, b, b, n, b, b, b] Here the last three bloom roses make a bouquet, meeting the required n = 2 bouquets of bloom roses. So return day 4.
    Unknown yet. If you happen to know about it, feel free to lmk! TYSM ~3~
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