A pizza shop offers n
pizzas along with m
toppings. A customer plans to spend around x
coins. The customer should order exactly one pizza, and may order zero, one or two toppings. Each topping may be ordered only once.
Given the lists of prices of available pizzas and toppings, what is the price closest to x
of possible orders? Here, a price is said to be closer to x
when the difference from x
is smaller. Note the customer is allowed to make an order that costs more than x
Function Description
Complete the function closestCost
in the editor.
has the following parameters:
- 1.
int[] pizzas
: an array of integers representing the prices of pizzas - 2.
int[] toppings
: an array of integers representing the prices of toppings - 3.
int x
: the budget in coins
int: the price closest to x
of possible orders
Example 1:
Input: pizzas = [800, 850, 900], toppings = [100, 150], x = 1000
Output: 1000
Explanation:The customer can spend exactly 1000 coins (two possible orders).
Example 2:
Input: pizzas = [850, 900], toppings = [200, 250], x = 1000
Output: 1050
Explanation:The customer may make an order more expensive than 1000 coins.
Example 3:
Input: pizzas = [1100, 900], toppings = [200], x = 1000
Output: 900
Explanation:The customer should prefer 900 (lower) over 1100 (higher).
Example 4:
Input: pizzas = [800, 800, 800, 800], toppings = [100], x = 1000
Output: 900
Explanation:The customer may not order 2 same toppings to make it 1000.
- Customer's budget:
1 <= x <= 10000
- Number of pizzas:
1 <= n <= 10
- Number of toppings:
0 <= m <= 10
- Price of each pizza:
1 <= pizzas[i] <= 10000
- Price of each topping:
1 <= toppings[i] <= 10000
- The total price of all toppings does not exceed
