There are employee_nodes
employees in a company, out of which there are k
special employees who have data network and share their mobile hotspots with other employees. There are employee_edges
connections already made between the employees, where the i
th connection connects the employees employee_from[i]
and employee_to[i]
, such that either of the employees employee_from[i]
and employee_to[i]
can share a mobile hotspot.
Two employees x
and y
are connected if there is a path between them. All the employees connected to a special employee x
will use the mobile hotspot of the special employee x
Up to now, to restrict data usage, any employee was connected to at most one special employee. As data consumption has increased, any employee can be connected to at most max_connections
number of special employees.
Find the maximum number of edges that can be added to the graph such that any employee is connected to at most max_connections
special employees.
- The given graph does not contain self-loops or multiple edges between nodes. The graph formed after adding edges should not contain self-loops or multiple edges.
- It is guaranteed that in the given graph, no two special employees are connected to each other.
Function Description
Complete the function getMaximumEdges
in the editor.
has the following parameters:
int employee_nodes
: the number of employeesint employee_from[employee_edges]
: the one end of the connectionint employee_to[employee_edges]
: the other end of the connectionint special_employees[k]
: the special employeesint max_connections
: the maximum number of special employees to which an employee can be connected
long: the maximum number of edges that can be added to the graph such that any employee is connected to at most max_connections
number of special employees
Example 1:
Input: employee_nodes = 4, employee_from = [1], employee_to = [2], special_employees = [1, 3], max_connections = 1
Output: 2
Explanation:It is given that
employee_nodes = 4
,employee_edges = 1
,k = 2
,max_connections = 1
,special_employees = [1, 3]
,employee_from = [1]
, andemployee_to = [2]
.Disjoint graph with 4 nodes numbered 1 to 4. Node 1 and 2 are connected through a bidirectional edge.
Employees 1 and 3 are special, and
max_connections = 1
, so they cannot be connected. Hence, employee 4 can be connected to 1 and 2, making two total edges.Hence, the answer is 2.
Example 2:
Input: employee_nodes = 5, employee_from = [1, 2, 1], employee_to = [2, 3, 3], special_employees = [1, 4, 5], max_connections = 3
Output: 7
max_connections = k = 3
, hence we can connect all the employees, thus forming a fully connected graph.Hence, the answer is 7.
1 ≤ employee_nodes ≤ 2 * 10^5
0 ≤ employee_edges ≤ min(2 * 10^5, employee_nodes * (employee_nodes - 1) / 2)
1 ≤ max_connections ≤ k ≤ employee_nodes
1 ≤ employee_from[i], employee_to[i] ≤ employee_nodes
1 ≤ special_employees[i] ≤ employee_nodes
