Police Station ๐Ÿš“

Considering a lane to be one-dimensional, you are provided with an array police_station consisting of n distinct integers representing the coordinates of police stations.

You, as a prosperous individual, aspire to acquire exactly capacity distinct properties across the entirety of this one-dimensional lane (which may be located anywhere on the number line), with the condition that they do not coincide with the coordinates of any police station and neither any older property acquired.

The cost associated with purchasing a property is determined by its minimum distance from any police station. The total cost incurred will be the sum of costs associated with purchasing each property. Here distance between x1 and x2 means the absolute difference of x1 and x2 (i.e. |x1-x2|)

Given police_station an array containing the coordinates of the police stations, and capacity indicates the total number of distinct properties you can acquire. Your task is to calculate the total minimum cost to acquire exactly the capacity number of properties.

Function Description

Complete the function minAcquireCost in the editor.

minAcquireCost takes the following arguments:

  1. int police_station[n]: the input array police station containing the coordinates of all the police stations.
  2. int capacity: the total number of distinct properties you can acquire


int: the total minimum cost to acquire exactly the capacity number of properties

Example 1:

Input:  police_station = [7, 8], capacity = 4
Output: 6
Suppose n=2, police_station = [7, 8], and capacity = 4. The coordinates of your property will be [5, 6, 9, 10] for minimum cost. So, the answer is sum of |7 - 5| + |7 - 6| + |8 - 9| + |8 - 10| = 6.
    An unknown urban legend for now ๐Ÿฆ‰
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