Backspace String Compare
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Two strings are said to be the same if they are of the same length and have the same character at each index. Backspacing in a string removes the previous character in the string.

Given two strings containing lowercase English letters and the character # which represents a backspace key, determine if the two final strings are equal. Return 1 if they are equal or 0 if they are not. Note that backspacing an empty string results in an empty string.

Function Description

Complete the function compareStrings in the editor below.

compareStrings has the following parameter(s):

  • string s1: the first string
  • string s2: the second string


int: either 0 or 1

Example 1:

Input:  s1 = "axx#b#b#c", s2 = "axbdf#c#c"
Output: 1
In the first string, one 'x' and one 'b' are backspaced over. The first string becomes axbc. The second string also becomes axbc. The answer is 1.
  • 1 <= length of s1 <= 2*105
  • 1 <= length of s2 <= 2*105
  • Both s1 and s2 contain lowercase English letters and/or the char '#' only :)
Thumbnail 0

Case 1

