Count Good Strings

There is a string of length 2N containing only character A and B. The string is called good string if the following two conditions are satisfied:

  • The number of A and number of B in that string will be same and that is N, means N numbers of A and N numbers of B will be present in that string.
  • The number of A will be always greater than or equal to the number of B in any prefix string of that string.
  • Now you are given N and you need to count the number of good strings of length 2N, the answer may be very large so return the answer in modulo 10000.

    Example 1:

    Input:  N = 3
    Output: 5
    Here are the good strings of length 2N when N=3:
    • "AAABBB" good
    • "AABABB" good
    • "AABBAB" good
    • "ABAABB" good
    • "ABABAB" good
    "BABABA" is not a good string because the number of Bs is greater than the number of As in the prefix "BA". Therefore, the count of good strings is 5.
    Thumbnail 0

    Case 1

