Maximize the Lottery ID
The newspaper HackerRankNews distributed lottery tickets to everyone, and the winning lottery ID is described in the paper denoted by winnerID
In order to win the lottery, a customer having a lottery ID denoted by lotteryID
needs to maximize the length of the longest common subsequence of the strings lotteryID
and winnerID
. To do so, the customer can perform up to k
operations. In each operation, the customer can change any character in lotteryID
either to its next or previous character.
Find the maximum possible length of the longest common subsequence after at most k
such operations.
- Operations can be performed only on
, not onwinnerID
. - The next character of a given character
is the character that comes just after it in the alphabet. Similarly, the previous character is the character that comes just before it in the alphabet. For example, the next character of 'm' is 'n' and the previous is 'l'. For 'z' the next character is 'a' and for 'a' the previous character is 'z'.
Example 1:
Input: lotteryID = "fpeIqanxyk", winnerID = "hackerrank", k = 6
Output: 7
Explanation:The original explanation is not completed, I add my own understanding in the end for your reference. And also Output = 7 is calculated by me, it may not be accurate. It is just here for your refernce. Once I find more source, I will modify it immediately. One of the optimal ways to perform the operations is as follows:Select i = 0, convert lotteryID[0]
to its next character,lotteryID
= "gpeIqanxyk"Select i = 0, convert lotteryID[0]
to its next character,lotteryID
= "hpeIqanxyk"Select i = 2, convert lotteryID[2]
to its previous character,lotteryID
= "hpdIqanxyk"Select i = 2, convert The maximum possible length of the longest common subsequence after at mostlotteryID[2]
to its previous character,lotteryID
= "hpcIqanxyk"k
operations is 7.

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