Amazon allows customers to add reviews for the products they bought from their store. The review must follow Amazon's community guidelines in order to be published.
Suppose that Amazon has marked n strings that are prohibited in reviews. They assign a score to each review that denotes how well it follows the guidelines. The score of a review is defined as the longest contiguous substring of the review which does not contain any string among the list of words from the prohibited list, ignoring the case.
Given a review and a list of prohibited string, calculate the review score.
Function Description
Complete the function findReviewScore
in the editor.
has the following parameters:
: a stringstring prohibitedWords[n]:
the prohibited wordsReturns
the score of the reviewExample 1:
Input: review = "GoodProductButScrapAfterWash", prohibitedWords = ["crap", "odpro"]
Output: 15
Explanation:Some of the substrings that do not contain a prohibited word are: - ProductBut - rapAfterWash - dProductButScu - Wash The longest substring is "dProductButScra", return its length, 15.
Example 2:

Input: review = "FastDeliveryOkayProduct", prohibitedWords = ["eryoka", "yo", "eli"]
Output: 11
Explanation:The substring "OkayProduct" is the longest substring which does not contain a prohibited word. Its length is 11.
Example 3:
Input: review = "ExtremeValueForMoney", prohibitedWords = ["tuper", "douche"]
Output: 20
Explanation:The review does not contain any prohibited word, so the longest substring is "ExtremeValueForMoney", length 20.
1 <= |review| <= 105
1 <= n <= 10
1 <= prohibitedWords[i] <= 10
review consists of English letters, both lowercase and uppercase
prohibitedWords[i] consists of lowercase English letters
