Amazon ships millions of packages every day. A large percentage of them are fulfilled by Amazon, so it is important to minimize shipping costs. It has been found that moving a group of 3 packages to the shipping facility together is most efficient. The shipping process needs to be optimized at a new warehouse. There are the following types of queries or requests:
INSERT package id
: insert package id in the queue of packages to be shippedSHIP -
: ship the group of 3 items that were in the queue earliest i.e. they are returned in the order they entered
Perform q
queries and return a list of lists, one for every SHIP -
type query. The lists are either; 3 package ID strings in the order they were queued. Or, if there are not enough packages in the queue to fulfill the query, the result is I"N/A"J.
of type String as a parameter which contains each query where - 🦆--> list.get(i).get(0) = INSERT | SHIP
--> list.get(i).get(1) = shipmentID | -
: a list of lists, one for every >
type query
Example 1:
Input: queries = [["INSERT", "GT23513413"], ["INSERT", "TQC2451340"], ["SHIP", "-"], ["INSERT", "VYP8561991"], ["SHIP", "-"]]
Output: [["N/ A"], ["GT23513413", "TQC2451340", "VYP8561991"]]
