Minimum Steps to Reduce Array Elements to 0
You are given an integer array, and your task is to perform a series of operations to make all elements in the array equal to 0.
Operation Details:
You are given an array arr consisting of n integers. Your task is to determine the minimum number of operations required to convert every element in the array to 0.
A prefix is defined as a contiguous group of items that includes the first element in the cart. For example, [1], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3] etc are prefixes of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
It is guaranteed that it is always possible to convert every element of the given array to 0 using the allowed operations.
✎﹏Credit to ⟡ Sndix ⟡ 🦋
Example 1:
Input: arr = [3, 2, 1]
Output: 3
Explanation:For the input arr, the most efficient approach is:Operation 1: Let the prefix length be 2, and decrement by 1. Cart after this operation is [2, 1, 1] Operation 2: Let the prefix length be 1, and decrement by 1. Cart after this operation is [1, 1, 1] Operation 3: Let the prefix length be 3, and decrement by 1. Cart after this operation is [0, 0, 0] So the enswer is 3. Note that it is not possible to make all the elements of the arry 0 in fewer operations.
Unknown for now

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