Developers at Amazon have their applications deployed on n
servers. Initially, the i
th server has an id server[i]
and can handle server[i]
requests at a time.
For maintenance purposes, some servers are replaced periodically. On a j
th day, all the servers with id equal to replaced[j]
are replaced with servers with id newId[j]
that can serve newId[j]
requests. The total number of requests served on a j
th day is the sum of the ids of the servers that the application is running on.
Given server
, replaced
, and newId
, find the total number of requests served by the servers each day.
Note: The indices i
and j
are assumed to follow 1-based indexing.
Function Description
Complete the function getTotalRequests
in the editor.
takes the following arguments:
- 1.
int server[n]
: the initial server ids - 2.
int replaced[n]
: the ids of the servers to replace - 3.
int newId[n]
: the new ids of the replaced servers
: an array of integers representing the total number of requests served each day
Example 1:
Input: server = [20, 10], replaced = [10, 20], newId = [20, 1]
Output: [40, 2]
Day 1: The servers are [20, 10]. Server with id 10 is replaced by a server with id 20. New servers are [20, 20]. Total requests = 20 + 20 = 40.
Day 2: The servers are [20, 20]. Server with id 20 is replaced by a server with id 1. New servers are [1, 1]. Total requests = 1 + 1 = 2.
Hence the answer is [40, 2].
Example 2:
Input: server = [3, 3], replaced = [3, 1], newId = [1, 5]
Output: [2, 10]
Explanation:After the first day, the servers are [1, 1]. After the second day, the servers are [5, 5] :)
Example 3:
Input: server = [2, 5, 2], replaced = [2, 5, 3], newId = [3, 1, 5]
Output: [11, 7, 11]
Explanation:After the first day, the servers are [3, 5, 3].) After the second day, the servers are [3, 1, 3] :) After the third day,the servers are [5, 1, 5] :)
1 <= n <= 105
1 <= server[i], replacedId[i], newID[i] <= 104
