Alexa is Amazon's virtual AI assistant. It makes it easy to set up your Alexa-enabled devices, listen to music, get weather updates, and much more. The team is working on a new feature that suggests days for camping based on the weather forecast.
According to a survey, a day is ideal for camping if the amount of rainfall has been non-increasing for the prior k
days from the considered day, and will be non-decreasing for the following k
days from the considered day. Given the predicted rainfall for the next n
days, find all the ideal days. Formally, the day is ideal if the following is true:
≥ day[i-k+1]
≥ ... ≥ day[i-1]
≥ day[i]
≤ day[i+1]
≤ ... ≤ day[i+k-1]
≤ day[i+k]
Return the array of ideal days in ascending order. Note that the i
th element of the array represents the data for the day i + 1
. It is guaranteed that there is at least one ideal day.
Function Description
Complete the function findIdealDays
in the editor.
has the following parameters:
int day[n]
: predicted rainfall for each dayk
: an integer
: the ideal days, sorted ascending
Example 1:
Input: day = [3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4], k = 2
Output: [3, 4]
Explanation:The image explaining the example was already very blurry, so I decided not to include it. Anything that is unhelpful for you wouldn't be included 😌For a day to be ideal, the amount of rainfall has to be non-increasing for the prior 2 days and non-decreasing for the following 2 days.
From the above diagram: (too blurry to be included :)
- The rainfall trend for day3 is day1 ≥ day2 ≥ day3 ≤ day4 ≤ day5 so day3 is ideal.
- The rainfall trend for day4 is day2 ≥ day3 ≥ day4 ≤ day5 ≤ day6 so day4 is ideal.
The answer is [3, 4].
≤ n
≤ 2 * 1050 ≤
≤ 109
