Count Dominant Substrings

A team of data analysts at Amazon is working to identify patterns in data. During their analysis, they discovered a category of strings they call a 'dominant string':

  • The string has an even length.
  • The string contains at least one character with a frequency equal to exactly half the length of the string.
  • Given a string s of length n, determine how many of its substrings are dominant strings.

    Function Description

    Complete the function countDominantSubstrings in the editor.

    countDominantSubstrings has the following parameter:

    1. String s: the string to analyze


    int: the number of dominant substrings

    Example 1:

    Input:  s = "aaaaid"
    Output: 3

    'aa', 'id', and 'aaid' are dominant substrings.

    Example 2:

    Input:  s = "abab"
    Output: 4

    Here are the dominant substrings in s = "abab":

    • "ab" (from position 0 to 1):
      • Length 2, 'a' and 'b' both appear once, which is exactly half of the length (2 / 2 = 1).
    • "ba" (from position 1 to 2):
      • Length 2, 'b' and 'a' both appear once, which is exactly half of the length (2 / 2 = 1).
    • "ab" (from position 2 to 3):
      • Length 2, 'a' and 'b' both appear once, which is exactly half of the length (2 / 2 = 1).
    • "abab" (from position 0 to 3):
      • Length 4, 'a' appears twice, which is exactly half of the length (4 / 2 = 2).
    The dominant substrings are "ab", "ba", another occurrence of "ab", and "abab", making a total of 4.

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